# 共同第一作者
收稿日期: 2016-12-23
录用日期: 2017-03-06
网络出版日期: 2017-05-27
国家自然科学基金(No.31370361)、中国科学院重点部署项目(No.KFZD-SW-313)和国家高技术研究发展计划(No.2013AA- 102903)
Response of Flowering Phenology of Viburnum to Abnormal Meteorological Events
# Co-first authors
Received date: 2016-12-23
Accepted date: 2017-03-06
Online published: 2017-05-27
在全球气候变化背景下异常气象事件频繁发生。华北地区在经历了2010年春季的异常冷湿后, 2016年春季又出现了异常暖旱的气象事件。对荚蒾属(Viburnum)植物2009-2016年春季的2次气象事件及正常年份的多年花期物候进行观测, 发现春季异常暖旱时荚蒾属植物的花期整体提前, 但花期时长均未缩短; 海拔跨度小的琼花(V. macrocephalum)和欧洲绣球(V. opulus), 其始花期、花前积温和花期长短年际变化幅度较大, 而海拔跨度较大的李叶荚蒾(V. prunifolium)、黑果荚蒾(V. lantana)和红蕾荚蒾(V. carlesii)无论春季冷湿或暖旱, 其始花期、花前积温和花期长短都表现出较小的可塑性, 并且这3个物种的始花期也相对固定。春季气候暖旱时荚蒾枝条的同化产物分配增加, 枝条增粗明显, 叶片生长速率加快, 叶面积更大但叶片更薄, 远果叶的同化产物分配显著增加, 可能意味着果实发育的同化产物供给受到影响。针对异常气象事件中专属植物的花期物候格局的研究, 不仅能更精准地追踪物种繁育特征的环境可塑性及系统认识专属植物的气候变化响应, 而且可为物候学大尺度数据分析提供基本信息。
许聪聪, 崔洪霞, 石雷, 夏菲, 尹炤寅, 张德山 . 荚蒾属植物花期物候对春季异常气象事件的响应[J]. 植物学报, 2017 , 52(3) : 297 -306 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16256
Abnormal meteorological events occur frequently under global climate change. As another unusual meteorological event, a warm-dry climate occurred in North China in spring 2016 after the extreme cold-wet weather in spring 2010. Phenological observations of the flowering phenology of Viburnum from 2009 to 2016 showed that flowering onset was advanced in the warm-dry spring in 2016, but flowering duration was never shortened over the observation years; and the variance in threshold on flowering onset, active accumulated temperature and flowering duration of species with narrow altitude spanning, for V. macrocephalum and V. opulus, for example, were very wide, whereas species with large altitude spanning, such as V. prunifolium, V. lantana and V. carlesii, presented limited plasticity on flowering onset, active accumulated temperature and flowering duration; moreover, the relative flowering onset among these 3 species did not change, whatever meteorologically occurred in spring over several years. As well, the allocation of assimilation on shoots increased by significantly increased shoot diameter and simultaneously increased leaf growth rate as compared with the normal year. However, leaves became much thinner than the normal year. The assimilation was allocated more to those leaves far from fruits experiencing a warm-dry event. Study of the flowering phenology responsive to extreme meteorological events at a given hierarchy can reveal an environmental plasticity of flowering during extreme climate change and provide basic information for classical phenological research.
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