# 共同第一作者
收稿日期: 2015-12-04
录用日期: 2016-06-30
网络出版日期: 2016-12-02
Research Advances in the Vegetation and Climate of the Beijing Region, North China Since the Holocene
# Co-first authors
Received date: 2015-12-04
Accepted date: 2016-06-30
Online published: 2016-12-02
该文综述了北京地区全新世以来植被演替和气候变化的相关研究资料, 这些资料反映了当前阶段对该地区该时段植被与气候环境格局特征的认识。北京地区全新世早期(约12 000-8 000 cal a B. P.)植被为森林草地和/或针叶树占主导的针阔混交林, 森林中阔叶树类群逐渐增多, 指示了气候由寒冷干燥转为温暖湿润; 全新世中期(约8 000-2 000 cal a B. P.前后)植被为暖温带针阔混交林, 指示暖湿气候; 全新世晚期(约2 000 cal a B. P.以来)转为森林草地和/或针叶树占主导的针阔混交林, 气候转向凉干。植被演替反映的湿润度变化与季风区其它地区变化趋势一致。值得注意的是, 前人研究揭示北京地区山区与平原中植被类型和类群组成已经出现空间分异。今后如能深入开展定量古气候重建研究, 有可能精确描述其气候变化的过程, 增进中国不同地理单元同时期气候变化的对比。
谢淦, 白加德, 徐景先, 郝慧, 李金锋, 姚轶锋, 张林源, 李承森, 杨健, 王宇飞 . 北京地区全新世植被和气候变化研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2016 , 51(6) : 872 -881 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB15215
We introduce research advances in vegetation succession and climatic changes in Beijing, North China, since the Holocene. In the early Holocene (12 000-8 000 cal a B. P.), a grassland and/or needle- and broad-leaved mixed forest was present, with an increment in broad-leaved trees, which indicated a relatively cold and dry climate changing to warm and humid afterwards. In the middle Holocene (8 000-2 000 cal a B. P.), a needle- and broad-leaved mixed forest indicated a warm and humid climate. The vegetation of the late Holocene (since 2 000 cal a B. P.) was grassland and/or needle- and broad-leaved mixed forest, showing a cooler and drier climate. The consistent moisture fluctuations reflected by the vegetation succession were identical to those of other Asian monsoon-dominant regions. Notably, previous studies have revealed differences between mountainous and plain areas in vegetation types in Beijing. Further quantitative reconstruction of the Holocene climate in Beijing should provide more detailed data on the local and even regional climatic changes.
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