# 共同第一作者
收稿日期: 2015-12-10
录用日期: 2016-06-13
网络出版日期: 2016-12-02
国家自然科学基金(No.41201408, No.31170595)、浙江省公益项目(No.2014C32119)、国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项(No.20150430303)、十二五国家科技支撑计划(No.2012BAD22B0503)和国家林业局引进国际先进农业科学技术计划(No.2013-4-71)
选取140株浙江临安青山镇毛竹(Moso bamboo), 连续57天测量并记录毛竹幼竹生长数据, 运用Wilcoxon、Mood与Ansari-Bradley方差检验等非参数假设检验和相关分析方法探讨了不同管理模式下幼竹的生长特点。研究结果表明, 幼期毛竹生长具有时序阶段性变化的特点, 幼竹的生长速度近似呈现出右偏钟型的曲线。幼竹在1-15天生长缓慢; 在15-45天生长速度快速升高; 45天后生长速度表现为降低的趋势。同时, 幼竹生长速度的变异程度在1-20天内变化较小; 在20天后变化剧烈且有上下激烈振荡的态势。不同经营模式间的毛竹幼竹生长离散程度差异不显著, 但生长速度表现出阶段性差异。在第1-10天生长速度无显著差异; 在第11-28天, 集约经营和粗放经营时幼竹生长速度的差异表现出此起彼伏交替波动的现象; 在第29-40天, 不同经营措施幼竹间的生长速度差异显著; 在第41-55天, 生长速度无显著差异。通过运用统计分析及数学方法定量分析2种管理模式下笋期毛竹的生长特点, 以期为毛竹的经营管理提供理论依据。
杨春菊, 陈永刚, 汤孟平, 施拥军, 侯建花, 孙燕飞 . 不同管理模式下毛竹幼竹的生长规律[J]. 植物学报, 2016 , 51(6) : 774 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB15206
To examine the characteristics of the Moso bamboo growth process, we selected 140 young plants in Qingshan of Zhejiang province to measure the height and observe the growth trend under 2 management models: intensive and extensive. The whole growth process of bamboo shoots was continuously monitored for 57 days. The trend was quantified by height every day. Growth characteristics of young bamboo were analyzed by non-parametric hypothesis test and correlation analysis. Growth rate showed an obvious stage change characteristic, and curves between time and growth rate tended to be a bell shaped, with maximal peak at the right side. The growth rate of young bamboo was slow during the first 15 days and rapidly increased from days 15 to 45, then tended to decrease after 45 days. The growth rate differed in different stages, but the degree of growth was similar between intensive and extensive management. Growth rate variance was small during the first 20 days and then severely fluctuated after 20 days. Growth rate did not differ between intensive and extensive management during the first 10 and last 15 days. The difference in growth rate between intensive and extensive management fluctuated from days 11 to 28. Growth rate significantly differed between intensive and extensive management from days 29 to 40. The findings may guide M. bamboo management and forest research in theory.
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