Research Advances on Plant Science in China in 2015
Online published: 2016-08-05
2015年中国植物科学研究处于飞速发展的态势, 主要表现在中国植物生命科学家在国际顶级学术刊物发表文章的数量呈现出明显的优势。中国科学家在植物学诸多领域取得了骄人的成果, 如高等植物PSI与捕光天线的超分子复合物晶体结构的解析、水稻感知和耐受寒害机制、乙烯信号转导分子机制研究等。2015年中国生命科学领域十大进展中, 植物科学领域有两项成果入选。值得一提的是, 中国本土科学家因青蒿素的发现与抗疟疾药物新疗法的开创首次获得自然科学领域的诺贝尔奖, 标志着中国植物化学和中药学对人类健康事业的巨大贡献受到国际高度关注, 也标志着中国科学家围绕国家重大需求开展科学技术问题研究模式的有效性和影响力。中国植物科学从跟踪、并行, 逐渐迈入领跑学科发展的方阵。该文对2015年中国本土植物科学若干领域取得的重要研究成果进行了概括性评述, 旨在全面追踪当前中国植物科学领域发展的最新前沿和热点事件, 并与国内读者分享我国科学家所取得的杰出成就。
杨淑华, 王台, 钱前, 王小菁, 左建儒, 顾红雅, 姜里文, 陈之端, 白永飞, 孔宏智, 陈凡, 萧浪涛, 董爱武, 种康 . 2015年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2016 , 51(4) : 416 -472 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16160
Plant science in China has been developing rapidly, with an increased number of original papers published in top international journals. Chinese scientists have made remarkable achievements in insights into important plant scientific issues, such as the structural basis for energy transfer pathways in the plant PSI-LHCI supercomplex, the perception and tolerance of rice chilling, and the molecular mechanism of ethylene signal transduction. In the “Breakthrough of the year: The top 10 scientific achievements of life science in China in 2015”, two outstanding outcomes of plant science were included. Chinese native plant scientists (including Youyou Tu and other scientists) found that artemisinin as a new drug to cure malaria, which won the Nobel Prize for natural science, marking a great achievement in plant chemistry and Chinese pharmacy. The achievement has drawn great international attention and also points to the effectiveness of the model developed by Chinese scientists—to focus on science and technology issues related to the major needs of the country. In this review, we provide a commentary on the significant progress made in plant science in China in 2015, review the latest findings and hot events in plant science in 2015, and share the great achievements made by Chinese scientists.
Key words: China; plant science; research advances; 2015
1 | 种康, 许智宏, 李家洋 (2016). 中国植物科学基础研究概览. 中国基础科学 (1), 7-12. |
2 | 冷静, 王文国, 刘文娟, 李为民, 杜全生, 温明章 (2016). 从国家自然科学基金项目资助看植物科学态势. 植物学报 51, 369-376. |
3 | 刘玲童, 王台 (2016). miR396-GRF模块: 水稻分子育种的新资源. 植物学报 51, 148-151. |
4 | 施怡婷, 杨淑华 (2016). 中国科学家在乙烯信号转导领域取得突破性进展. 植物学报 51, 287-289. |
5 | 许智宏, 种康 (2015). 植物细胞分化与器官发生. 北京: 科学出版社. pp.194-216. |
6 | 于倩倩, 孔祥培, 丁兆军 (2015). 中国科学家在生长素信号转导领域取得突破性研究进展. 植物学报 50, 535-537. |
7 | 左建儒, 陈凡 (2015). 中国科学家在植物应答低温信号研究中取得突破性进展. 植物学报 50, 145-147. |
8 | Adler EM (2016). 2015: signaling breakthroughs of the year. Sci Signal 9, eg1. |
9 | Bai J, Zhu X, Wang Q, Zhang J, Chen H, Dong G, Zhu L, Zheng H, Xie Q, Nian J, Chen F, Fu Y, Qian Q, Zuo J (2015). Rice TUTOU1 encodes a suppressor of cAMP receptor-like protein that is important for actin organiza- tion and panicle development.Plant Physiol 169, 1179-1191. |
10 | Cai J, Liu X, Vanneste K, Proost S, Tsai WC, Liu KW, Chen LJ, He Y, Xu Q, Bian C, Zheng Z, Sun F, Liu W, Hsiao YY, Pan ZJ, Hsu CC, Yang YP, Hsu YC, Chuang YC, Dievart A, Dufayard JF, Xu X, Wang JY, Wang J, Xiao XJ, Zhao XM, Du R, Zhang GQ, Wang M, Su YY, Xie GC, Liu GH, Li LQ, Huang LQ, Luo YB, Chen HH, Van de Peer Y, Liu ZJ (2015). The genome sequence of the orchid Phalaenopsis equestris.Nat Genet 47, 65-72. |
11 | Cao H, Li X, Wang Z, Ding M, Sun Y, Dong F, Chen F, Liu L, Doughty J, Li Y, Liu YX (2015). Histone H2B monou- biquitination mediated by HISTONE MONOUBIQUITINA- TION1 and HISTONE MONOUBIQUITINATION2 is in- volved in anther development by regulating tapetum de- gradation-related genes in rice.Plant Physiol 168, 1389-1405. |
12 | Chen HY, Huh JH, Yu YC, Ho LH, Chen LQ, Tholl D, Frommer WB, Guo WJ (2015a). The Arabidopsis vacuolar sugar transporter SWEET2 limits carbon seque- stration from roots and restricts Pythium infection.Plant J 83, 1046-1058. |
13 | Chen J, Gao H, Zheng XM, Jin M, Weng JF, Ma J, Ren Y, Zhou K, Wang Q, Wang J, Wang JL, Zhang X, Cheng Z, Wu C, Wang H, Wan JM (2015b). An evolutionarily conserved gene, FUWA, plays a role in determining pani- cle architecture, grain shape and grain weight in rice.Plant J 83, 427-438. |
14 | Chen J, Wang Y, Wang F, Yang J, Gao M, Li C, Liu Y, Liu Y, Yamaji N, Ma JF, Paz-Ares J, Nussaume L, Zhang S, Yi K, Wu Z, Wu P (2015c). The rice CK2 kinase regulates tra- fficking of phosphate transporters in response to phosphate levels.Plant Cell 27, 711-723. |
15 | Chen J, Yang L, Gu J, Bai X, Ren Y, Fan T, Han Y, Jiang L, Xiao F, Liu Y, Cao S (2015d). MAN3 gene regulates cadmium tolerance through the glutathione-dependent pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.New Phytol 205, 570-582. |
16 | Chen LY, Grimm GW, Wang QF, Renner SS (2015e). A phylogeny and biogeographic analysis for the capepond- weed family Aponogetonaceae (Alismatales). Mol Phylo- genet Evol 82 Pt A, 111-117. |
17 | Chen LY, Shi DQ, Zhang WJ, Tang ZS, Liu J, Yang WC (2015f). The Arabidopsis alkaline ceramidase TOD1 is a key turgor pressure regulator in plant cells.Nat Commun 6, 6030. |
18 | Chen WH, Li PF, Chen MK, Lee YI, Yang CH (2015g). FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER negatively regulates ethy- lene response DNA-binding factors by activating an ethy- lene-responsive factor to control Arabidopsis floral organ senescence and abscission.Plant Physiol 168, 1666-1683. |
19 | Chen X, Pu H, Fang Y, Wang X, Zhao S, Lin Y, Zhang M, Dai HE, Gong W, Liu L (2015h). Crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of magnesium chelatase.Nat Plants 1, 15125. |
20 | Cheng H, Liu H, Deng Y, Xiao J, Li X, Wang S (2015). The WRKY45-2 WRKY13 WRKY42 transcriptional regulatory cascade is required for rice resistance to fungal pathogen.Plant Physiol 167, 1087-1099. |
21 | Chong K, Xu ZH (2014). Investment in plant research and development bears fruit in China.Plant Cell Rep 33, 541-550. |
22 | Cui LG, Shan JX, Shi M, Gao JP, Lin HX (2015). DCA1 acts as a transcriptional co-activator of DST and con- tributes to drought and salt tolerance in rice.PLoS Genet 11, e1005617. |
23 | Deng S, Sun J, Zhao R, Ding M, Zhang Y, Sun Y, Wang W, Tan Y, Liu D, Ma X, Hou P, Wang M, Lu C, Shen X, Chen S (2015). Populus euphratica APYRASE2 en- hances cold tolerance by modulating vesicular trafficking and extracellular ATP in Arabidopsis plants.Plant Physiol 169, 530-548. |
24 | Ding L, Yan S, Jiang L, Zhao W, Ning K, Zhao J, Liu X, Zhang J, Wang Q, Zhang X (2015a). HANABA TARANU (HAN) bridges meristem and organ primordia boundaries through PINHEAD, JAGGED, BLADE-ON-PETIOLE2 and CYTOKININ OXIDASE 3 during flower development in Arabidopsis.PLoS Genet 11, e1005479. |
25 | Ding S, Zhang B, Qin F (2015b). Arabidopsis RZFP34/ CHYR1, a ubiquitin E3 ligase, regulates dtomatal move- ment and frought tolerance via SnRK2.6-mediated phos- phorylation.Plant Cell 27, 3228-3244. |
26 | Ding Y, Chang J, Ma Q, Chen L, Liu S, Jin S, Han J, Xu R, Zhu A, Guo J, Luo Y, Xu J, Xu Q, Zeng Y, Deng X, Cheng Y (2015c). Network analysis of postharvest sen- escence process in citrus fruits revealed by transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling.Plant Physiol 168, 357-376. |
27 | Ding Y, Li H, Zhang X, Xie Q, Gong Z, Yang S (2015d). OST1 kinase modulates freezing tolerance by enhancing ICE1 stability in Arabidopsis.Dev Cell 32, 278-289. |
28 | Du SH, Wang ZS, Ingvarsson P, Wang DS, Wang JH, Wu ZQ, Tembrock LR, Zhang JG (2015). Multilocus analysis of nucleotide variation and speciation in three closely related Populus (Salicaceae) species.Mol Ecol 24, 4994-5005. |
29 | Duan CG, Wang X, Tang K, Zhang H, Mangrauthia SK, Lei M, Hsu CC, Hou YJ, Wang C, Li Y, Tao WA, Zhu JK (2015). MET18 connects the cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly pathway to active DNA demethylation in Ara- bidopsis.PLoS Genet 11, e1005559. |
30 | Fan W, Lou HQ, Gong YL, Liu MY, Cao MJ, Liu Y, Yang JL, Zheng SJ (2015a). Characterization of an inducible C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor VuSTOP1 in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) reveals differential regulation between low pH and aluminum tolerance mechanisms.New Phytol 208, 456-468. |
31 | Fan XY, Zhang J, Li WJ, Peng LW (2015b). The NdhV subunit is required to stabilize the chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex in Arabidopsis.Plant J 82, 221-231. |
32 | Fang X, Cui Y, Li Y, Qi Y (2015a). Transcription and pro- cessing of primary microRNAs are coupled by elongator complex in Arabidopsis.Nat Plants 1, 15075. |
33 | Fang Y, Koba K, Makabe A, Takahashi C, Zhu W, Hayashi T, Hokari AA, Urakawa R, Bai E, Houlton BZ, Xi D, Zhang S, Matsushita K, Tu Y, Liu D, Zhu F, Wang Z, Zhou G, Chen D, Makita T, Toda H, Liu X, Chen Q, Zhang D, Li Y, Yoh M (2015b). Microbial denitrification dominates nitrate losses from forest ecosystems.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 1470-1474. |
34 | Fu YSH, Zhao HF, Piao SL, Peaucelle M, Peng SS, Zhou GY, Ciais P, Huang MT, Menzel A, Peñuelas J, Song Y, Vitasse Y, Zeng ZZ, Janssens IA (2015). Declining global warming effects on the phenology of spring leaf unfolding.Nature 526, 104-107. |
35 | Gao F, Wang K, Liu Y, Chen YP, Chen PA, Shi ZY, Luo J, Jiang DQ, Fan FF, Zhu YG, Li SQ (2016). Blocking miR396 increases rice yield by shaping inflorescence architecture.Nat Plants 2, 15196. |
36 | Gao J, Wang X, Zhang M, Bian MD, Deng WX, Zuo ZC, Yang ZM, Zhong DP, Lin CT (2015a). Trp triad-de- pendent rapid photoreduction is not required for the function of Arabidopsis CRY1.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 9135-9140. |
37 | Gao XQ, Zhou J, Li J, Zou XW, Zhao JH, Li QL, Xia R, Yang RF, Wang DK, Zuo ZX, Tu J, Tao YZ, Chen XY, Xie Q, Zhu ZR, Qu SH (2015b). Efficient generation of marker-free transgenic rice plants using an improved transposon-mediated transgene reintegration strategy.Plant Physiol 167, 11-24. |
38 | Gao YD, Harris AJ, He XJ (2015c). Morphological and ecological divergence of Lilium and Nomocharis within the Hengduan Mountains and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may result from habitat specialization and hybridization.BMC Evol Biol 15, 147. |
39 | Gardener C, Kumar SV (2015). Hot n' Cold: molecular signatures of domestication bring fresh insights into environmental adaptation.Mol Plant 8, 1439-1441. |
40 | Ge XM, Cai HL, Lei X, Zhou X, Yue M, He JM (2015). Heterotrimeric G protein mediates ethylene-induced sto- matal closure via hydrogen peroxide synthesis in Arabi- dopsis.Plant J 82, 138-150. |
41 | Geng C, Cong QQ, Li XD, Mou AL, Gao R, Liu JL, Tian YP (2015). DEVELOPMENTALLY REGULATED PLASMA MEMBRANE PROTEIN of Nicotiana benthamiana contri- butes to potyvirus movement and transports to plasmo- desmata via the early secretory pathway and the acto- myosin system.Plant Physiol 167, 394-423. |
42 | Gough NR (2015). Rice that tolerates a chill. Sci Signal 8, ec76. |
43 | Guan R, Su J, Meng X, Li S, Liu Y, Xu J, Zhang S (2015). Multilayered regulation of ethylene induction plays a posi- tive role in Arabidopsis resistance against Pseudomonas syringae.Plant Physiol 169, 299-312. |
44 | Guo DS, Zhang JZ, Wang XL, Han X, Wei BY, Wang JQ, Li BX, Yu H, Huang QP, Gu HY, Qu LJ, Qin GJ (2015a). The WRKY transcription factor WRKY71/EXB1 controls shoot branching by transcriptionally regulating RAX genes in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell 27, 3112-3127. |
45 | Guo J, Liu R, Huang L, Zheng XM, Liu PL, Du YS, Cai Z, Zhou L, Wei XH, Zhang FM, Ge S (2016). Widespread and adaptive alterations in genome-wide gene expression associated with ecological divergence of two Oryza spe- cies.Mol Biol Evol 33, 62-78. |
46 | Guo LB, Qiu J, Han ZJ, Ye ZH, Chen C, Liu CJ, Xin XF, Ye CY, Wang YY, Xie HQ, Wang Y, Bao JD, Tang S, Xu J, Gui YJ, Fu F, Wang WD, Zhang XC, Zhu QH, Guang XM, Wang CZ, Cui HF, Cai DG, Ge S, Tuskan GA, Yang XH, Qian Q, He SY, Wang J, Zhou XP, Fan LJ (2015b). A host plant genome (Zizania latifolia) after a century-long endophyte infection.Plant J 83, 600-609. |
47 | Guo W, Yang H, Liu Y, Gao Y, Ni Z, Peng H, Xin M, Hu Z, Sun Q, Yao Y (2015c). The wheat transcription factor TaGAMyb recruits histone acetyltransferase and activates the expression of a high-molecular-weight glutenin sub- unit gene.Plant J 84, 347-359. |
48 | Guo XL, Qin QQ, Yan J, Niu YL, Huang BY, Guan LP, Li Y, Ren DT, Li J, Hou SW (2015d). Type-one protein phosphatase4 regulates pavement cell interdigitation by modulating Pin-Formed1 polarity and trafficking in Ara- bidopsis.Plant Physiol 167, 1058-1075. |
49 | Han SJ, Wang Y, Zheng XY, Jia Q, Zhao JP, Bai F, Hong YG, Liu YL (2015a). Cytoplastic glyceraldehyde-3-phos- phate dehydrogenases interact with ATG3 to negatively regulate autophagy and immunity in Nicotiana bentha- miana.Plant Cell 27, 1316-1331. |
50 | Han TS, Wu Q, Hou XH, Li ZW, Zou YP, Ge S, Guo YL (2015b). Frequent introgressions from diploid species contribute to the adaptation of the tetraploid Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris).Mol Plant 8, 427-438. |
51 | Han Y, Dang R, Li J, Jiang J, Zhang N, Jia M, Wei L, Li Z, Li B, Jia W (2015c). SUCROSE NONFERMENTING1- RELATED PROTEIN KINASE2.6, an ortholog of OPEN STOMATA1, is a negative regulator of strawberry fruit development and ripening.Plant Physiol 167, 915-930. |
52 | Hao ZZ, Liu YY, Nazaire M, Wei XX, Wang XQ (2015). Molecular phylogenetics and evolutionary history of sect. Quinquefoliae (Pinus): implications for Northern Hemis- phere biogeography.Mol Phylogenet Evol 87, 65-79. |
53 | Hsu CC, Chen YY, Tsai WC, Chen WH, Chen HH (2015a). Three R2R3-MYB transcription factors regulate distinct floral pigmentation patterning in Phalaenopsis spp.Plant Physiol 168, 175-191. |
54 | Hsu HF, Hsu WH, Lee YI, Mao WT, Yang JY, Li JY, Yang CH (2015b). Model for perianth formation in orchids.Nat Plants 1, 15046. |
55 | Hu B, Wang W, Ou SJ, Tang JY, Li H, Che RH, Zhang ZH, Chai XY, Wang HR, Wang YQ, Liang CZ, Liu LC, Piao ZZ, Deng QY, Deng K, Xu C, Liang Y, Zhang LH, Li LG, Chu CC (2015a). Variation in NRT1.1B contributes to nitrate-use divergence between rice subspecies.Nat Ge- net 47, 834-838. |
56 | Hu FH, Zhu Y, Wu WJ, Xie Y, Huang JR (2015b). Leaf variegation of Thylakoid Formation1 is suppressed by mutations of specific sigma-factors in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiol 168, 1066-1075. |
57 | Hu L, Ye M, Li R, Zhang T, Zhou G, Wang Q, Lu J, Lou Y (2015c). The rice transcription factor WRKY53 supp- resses herbivore-induced defenses by acting as a neg- ative feedback modulator of mitogen-activated protein kinase activity.Plant Physiol 169, 2907-2921. |
58 | Hu Z, Song N, Zheng M, Liu X, Liu Z, Xing J, Ma J, Guo W, Yao Y, Peng H, Xin M, Zhou DX, Ni Z, Sun Q (2015d). Histone acetyltransferase GCN5 is essential for heat stress-responsive gene activation and thermotoler- ance in Arabidopsis.Plant J 84, 1178-1191. |
59 | Hua L, Wang DR, Tan LB, Fu YC, Liu FX, Xiao LT, Zhu ZF, Fu Q, Sun XY, Gu P, Cai HW, McCouch SR, Sun CQ (2015). LABA1, a domestication gene associated with long, barbed awns in wild rice.Plant Cell 27, 1875-1888. |
60 | Huang CH, Sun RR, Hu Y, Zeng LP, Zhang N, Cai LM, Zhang Q, Koch MA, Al-Shehbaz I, Edger PP, Pires JC, Tan DY, Zhong Y, Ma H (2016). Resolution of Brassi- caceae phylogeny using nuclear genes uncovers nested radiations and supports convergent morphological evolu- tion.Mol Biol Evol 33, 394-412. |
61 | Huang DB, Wang SG, Zhang BC, Shang-Guan KK, Shi YY, Zhang DM, Liu XL, Wu K, Xu ZP, Fu XD, Zhou YH (2015a). A gibberellin-mediated DELLA-NAC signaling cascade regulates cellulose synthesis in rice.Plant Cell 27, 1681-1696. |
62 | Huang MK, Hu YL, Liu X, Li YG, Hou XL (2015b). Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON1 mediates postembr- yonic development via interacting with PHYTOCHROME- INTERACTING FACTOR4.Plant Cell 27, 3099-3111. |
63 | Huang W, Yu C, Hu J, Wang L, Dan Z, Zhou W, He C, Zeng Y, Yao G, Qi J, Zhang Z, Zhu R, Chen X, Zhu Y (2015c). Pentatricopeptide-repeat family protein RF6 func- tions with hexokinase 6 to rescue rice cytoplasmic male sterility.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 14984-14989. |
64 | Huang X, Yang S, Gong J, Zhao Y, Feng Q, Gong H, Li W, Zhan Q, Cheng B, Xia J, Chen N, Hao Z, Liu K, Zhu C, Huang T, Zhao Q, Zhang L, Fan D, Zhou C, Lu Y, Weng Q, Wang ZX, Li J, Han B (2015d). Genomic analysis of hybrid rice varieties reveals numerous superior alleles that contribute to heterosis.Nat Commun 6, 6258. |
65 | Ji H, Wang Y, Cloix C, Li K, Jenkins GI, Wang S, Shang Z, Shi Y, Yang S, Li X (2015a). The Arabidopsis RCC1 family protein TCF1 regulates freezing tolerance and cold acclimation through modulating lignin biosynthesis.PLoS Genet 11, e1005471. |
66 | Ji X, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Gao C (2015b). Est- ablishing a CRISPR-Cas-like immune system conferring DNA virus resistance in plants.Nat Plants 1, 15144. |
67 | Jiang J, Zhang C, Wang X (2015). A recently evolved isoform of the transcription factor BES1 promotes brass- inosteroid signaling and development in Arabidopsis tha- liana.Plant Cell 27, 361-374. |
68 | Jin J, Shi J, Liu B, Liu Y, Huang Y, Yu Y, Dong A (2015a). MORF-RELATED GENE702, a reader protein of trime- thylated histone H3 lysine 4 and histone H3 lysine 36, is involved in brassinosteroid-regulated growth and flow- ering time control in rice.Plant Physiol 168, 1275-1285. |
69 | Jin JP, He K, Tang X, Li Z, Lv L, Zhao Y, Luo JC, Gao G (2015b). An Arabidopsis transcriptional regulatory map reveals distinct functional and evolutionary features of novel transcription factors.Mol Biol Evol 32, 1767-1773. |
70 | Jing H, Yang X, Zhang J, Liu X, Zheng H, Dong G, Nian J, Feng J, Xia B, Qian Q, Li J, Zuo J (2015a). Pep- tidyl-prolyl isomerization targets rice Aux/IAAs for prote- asomal degradation during auxin signaling.Nat Commun 6, 7395. |
71 | Jing X, Sanders NJ, Shi Y, Chu H, Classen AT, Zhao K, Chen L, Shi Y, Jiang Y, He J (2015b). The links between ecosystem multifunctionality and above- and belowground biodiversity are mediated by climate.Nat Commun 6, 8159. |
72 | Kim C, Deng T, Wen J, Nie ZL, Sun H (2015). Systematics, biogeography, and character evolution of Deutzia (Hy- drangeaceae) inferred from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences.Mol Phylogenet Evol 87, 91-104. |
73 | Kong L, Cheng J, Zhu Y, Ding Y, Meng J, Chen Z, Xie Q, Guo Y, Li J, Yang S, Gong Z (2015). Degradation of the ABA co-receptor ABI1 by PUB12/13 U-box E3 ligases.Nat Commun 6, 8630. |
74 | Lan ZC, Jenerette GD, Zhan SX, Li WH, Zheng SX, Bai YF (2015). Testing the scaling effects and mechanisms of N-induced biodiversity loss: evidence from a decade-long grassland experiment.J Ecol 103, 750-760. |
75 | Law YS, Zhang RS, Guan XQ, Cheng SF, Sun F, Duncan O, Murcha MW, Whelan J, Lim BL (2015). Phos- phorylation and dephosphorylation of the presequence of precursor MULTIPLE ORGANELLAR RNA EDITING FACTOR3 during import into mitochondria from Arabi- dopsis.Plant Physiol 169, 1344-1355. |
76 | Lee DH, Kao YH, Ku JC, Lin CY, Meeley R, Jan YS, Wang CJR (2015). The axial element protein DESYNAPTIC2 mediates meiotic double-strand break formation and synaptonemal complex assembly in maize.Plant Cell 27, 2516-2529. |
77 | Lei L, Shi J, Chen J, Zhang M, Sun S, Xie S, Li X, Zeng B, Peng L, Hauck A, Zhao H, Song W, Fan Z, Lai J (2015a). Ribosome profiling reveals dynamic translational landscape in maize seedlings under drought stress.Plant J 84, 1206-1218. |
78 | Lei M, Zhang H, Julian R, Tang K, Xie S, Zhu J (2015b). Regulatory link between DNA methylation and active demethylation in Arabidopsis.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 3553-3557. |
79 | Lei MJ, Wang Q, Li XL, Chen AM, Luo L, Xie YJ, Li G, Luo D, Mysore KS, Wen JQ, Xie ZP, Staehelin C, Wang YZ (2015c). The small GTPase ROP10 of Medicago trun- catula is required for both tip growth of root hairs and nod factor-induced root hair deformation.Plant Cell 27, 806-822. |
80 | Li C, Qiao Z, Qi W, Wang Q, Yuan Y, Yang X, Tang Y, Mei B, Lv Y, Zhao H, Xiao H, Song R (2015a). Genome-wide characterization of cis-acting DNA targets reveals the tr- anscriptional regulatory framework of opaque2 in maize.Plant Cell 27, 532-545. |
81 | Li HJ, Zhu SS, Zhang MX, Wang T, Liang L, Xue Y, Shi DQ, Liu J, Yang WC (2015b). Arabidopsis CBP1 is a novel regulator of transcription initiation in central cell- mediated pollen tube guidance.Plant Cell 27, 2880-2893. |
82 | Li J, Liu JT, Wang GQ, Cha JY, Li GN, Chen S, Li Z, Guo JH, Zhang CG, Yang YQ, Kim WY, Yun DJ, Schumaker KS, Chen ZZ, Guo Y (2015c). A chaperone function of NO CATALASE ACTIVITY1 is required to maintain catalase activity and for multiple stress responses in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell 27, 908-925. |
83 | Li JT, Zhao Y, Chu HW, Wang LK, Fu YR, Liu P, Upadhyaya N, Chen CL, Mou TM, Feng YQ, Kumar P, Xu J (2015d). SHOEBOX modulates root meristem size in rice through dose-dependent effects of gibberellins on cell elongation and proliferation.PLoS Genet 11, e1005464. |
84 | Li MR, Shi FX, Zhou YX, Li YL, Wang XF, Zhang C, Wang XT, Liu B, Xiao HX, Li LF (2015e). Genetic and epi- genetic diversities shed light on domestication of culti- vated ginseng (Panax ginseng).Mol Plant 8, 1612-1622. |
85 | Li Q, Wang X, Sun H, Zeng J, Cao Z, Li Y, Qian W (2015f). Regulation of active DNA demethylation by a methyl- CpG-binding domain protein in Arabidopsis thaliana.PLoS Genet 11, e1005210. |
86 | Li R, Zhu S, Chen HYH, John R, Zhou G, Zhang D, Zhang Q, Ye Q (2015g). Are functional traits a good predictor of global change impacts on tree species abundance dyna- mics in a subtropical forest?Ecol Lett 18, 1181-1189. |
87 | Li S, Wang H, Li F, Chen Z, Li X, Zhu L, Wang G, Yu J, Huang D, Lang Z (2015h). The maize transcription factor EREB58 mediates the jasmonate-induced production of sesquiterpene volatiles.Plant J 84, 296-308. |
88 | Li SP, Cadotte MW, Meiners SJ, Hua ZS, Shu HY, Li JT, Shu WS (2015i). The effects of phylogenetic relatedness on invasion success and impact: deconstructing Darwin's natura- lisation conundrum.Ecol Lett 18, 1285-1292. |
89 | Li WY, Ma MD, Feng Y, Li HJ, Wang YC, Ma YT, Li MZ, An FY, Guo HW (2015j). EIN2-directed translational regu- lation of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis.Cell 163, 670-683. |
90 | Li X, Li L, Yan J (2015k). Dissecting meiotic recombination based on tetrad analysis by single-microspore sequencing in maize.Nat Commun 6, 6648. |
91 | Li X, Lin HX (2016). Molecular signature of chilling adap- tation in rice. Natl Sci Rev 3(3). (in Press) |
92 | Li XM, Chao DY, Wu Y, Huang X, Chen K, Cui LG, Su L, Ye WW, Chen H, Chen HC, Dong NQ, Guo T, Shi M, Feng Q, Zhang P, Han B, Shan JX, Gao JP, Lin HX (2015l). Natural alleles of a proteasome α2 subunit gene contribute to thermotolerance and adaptation of African rice.Nat Genet 47, 827-833. |
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