# 共同第一作者
收稿日期: 2016-03-18
录用日期: 2016-05-13
网络出版日期: 2017-05-27
Research Progress in Nitric Oxide Signaling Molecule in Plants
# Co-first authors
Received date: 2016-03-18
Accepted date: 2016-05-13
Online published: 2017-05-27
一氧化氮(NO)作为一种重要的信号分子, 不仅参与植物的种子休眠和萌发以及根的形态建成等生长发育过程, 还参与调节植物细胞的气孔运动以及植物抗逆应答反应。该文结合最新研究成果, 总结了植物NO信号调控机理的研究进展, 主要包括NO合成途径、信号转导途径及其与其它信号分子之间的交叉反应和对植物抗逆的调控作用等。
张玲玲, 吴丹, 赵子捷, 赵立群 . 植物一氧化氮信号分子的研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2017 , 52(3) : 337 -345 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16053
Nitric oxide (NO), as an important signal molecule, is involved in regulating every aspect of plant growth and development, such as seed germination and dormancy, root morphogenesis, and ion absorption. It also mediates stomatal opening and closing and plant resistance to external stimuli. Here, we summarize recent studies of the regulation mechanism of plant NO signaling within the last 10 years, including the new discovery of the NO synthesis pathway, the regulation of NO signal transduction, its interaction with other signal molecules, and NO regulation of plant defense.
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[10] | Chen ZH, Wang Y, Wang JW, Babla M, Zhao C, García-Mata C, Sani E, Differ C, Mak M, Hills A, Amtmann A, Blatt MR (2016). Nitrate reductase mutation alters potassium nutrition as well as nitric oxide-mediated control of guard cell ion channels in Arabidopsis.New Phytol 209, 1456-1469. |
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[17] | Flores T, Todd CD, Tovar-Mendez A, Dhanoa PK, Correa- Aragunde N, Hoyos ME, Brownfield DM, Mullen RT, Lamattina L, Polacco JC (2008). Arginase-negative mu- tants of Arabidopsis exhibit increased nitric oxide signaling in root development.Plant Physiol 147, 1936-1946. |
[18] | Foresi N, Correa-Aragunde N, Parisi G, Caló G, Salerno G, Lamattina L (2010). Characterization of a nitric oxide synthase from the plant kingdom: NO generation from the green alga Ostreococcus tauri is light irradiance and growth phase dependent. Plant Cell 22, 3816-3830. |
[19] | Foresi N, Mayta ML, Lodeyro AF, Scuffi D, Correa- Aragunde N, García-Mata C, Casalongué C, Carrillo N, Lamattina L (2015). Expression of the tetrahydrofolate- dependent nitric oxide synthase from the green alga Ostreococcus tauri increases tolerance to abiotic stresses and influences stomatal development in Arabidopsis. Plant J 82, 806-821. |
[20] | Foresi NP, Laxalt AM, Tonón CV, Casalongué CA, Lamattina L (2007). Extracellular ATP induces nitric oxi- de production in tomato cell suspensions.Plant Physiol 145, 589-592. |
[21] | Freschi L, Rodrigues MA, Domingues DS, Purgatto E, Sluys MAV, Magalhaes JR, Kaiser WM, Mercier H (2010). Nitric oxide mediates the hormonal control of crassulacean acid metabolism expression in young pine- apple plants.Plant Physiol 152, 1971-1985. |
[22] | Gibbs DJ, Conde JV, Berckhan S, Prasad G, Mendiondo GM, Holdsworth MJ (2015). Group VII ethylene response factors coordinate oxygen and nitric oxide signal transduction and stress responses in plants.Plant Physiol 169, 23-31. |
[23] | González A, Cabrera MÁ, Henríquez MJ, Contreras RA, Morales B, Moenne A (2012). Cross talk among calcium, hydrogen peroxide, and nitric oxide and activation of gene expression involving calmodulins and calcium-dependent protein kinases in Ulva compressa exposed to copper excess. Plant Physiol 158, 1451-1462. |
[24] | Graziano M, Lamattina L (2007). Nitric oxide accumulation is required for molecular and physiological responses to iron deficiency in tomato roots.Plant J 52, 949-960. |
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[27] | Lanteri ML, Laxalt AM, Lamattina L (2008). Nitric oxide triggers phosphatidic acid accumulation via phospholipase D during auxin-induced adventitious root formation in cucumber.Plant Physiol 147, 188-198. |
[28] | Li JH, Liu YQ, Lü P, Lin HF, Bai Y, Wang XC, Chen YL (2009). A signaling pathway linking nitric oxide production to heterotrimeric G protein and hydrogen peroxide regulates extracellular calmodulin induction of stomatal closure in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiol 150, 114-124. |
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