

  • 浙江师范大学化学与生命科学学院, 金华 321004

收稿日期: 2018-09-17

  录用日期: 2018-12-10

  网络出版日期: 2018-12-10



Research Progress on Pathogenic Characteristics and Resistance of Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice

  • College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China

Received date: 2018-09-17

  Accepted date: 2018-12-10

  Online published: 2018-12-10


水稻(Oryza sativa)细菌性穗枯病是世界性的重要病害之一, 严重威胁全球范围水稻的高产稳产。虽然该病目前仍被列为我国的检疫性病害, 但近几年的研究表明, 穗枯病随时有在内地蔓延的潜在危险, 因此除了加强检疫工作, 开展针对性的防控技术研发也十分必要。水稻细菌性穗枯病菌在侵染过程中涉及多种毒力因子, 同时, 水稻在与病原菌的长期互作过程中演化出了多种防卫机制, 抗性基因是主要的防卫机制之一。挖掘水稻基因组中抗细菌性穗枯病遗传位点并培育抗病品种是最安全且经济有效的防治途径。该文综述了水稻细菌性穗枯病的病原菌特性、发病特征、发病机制、病害循环和对水稻细菌性穗枯病的抗性研究现状, 以期为挖掘和分离水稻穗枯病抗性位点提供参考。


叶雯澜,马国兰,袁李亚男,郑士仪,程琳乔,方媛,饶玉春 . 水稻细菌性穗枯病的病原特性和抗性研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2019 , 54(2) : 277 -283 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB18197


Bacterial panicle blight of rice (BPBR) is one of the most important diseases of rice; it seriously threatens the high and stable yield of rice in the world. Although the disease is still listed as a quarantine disease in China, recent studies have shown that BPBR can spread at any time. Therefore, in addition to strengthening quarantine work, targeted control technology research is needed. During the process of infection, Burkholderia glumae has evolved multiple virulence factors. However, at the same time, rice has evolved a variety of defense mechanisms during the long-term interaction between rice and pathogens. Resistance genes are one of the main defense mechanisms. Therefore, mining the resistance locus of BPBR on the rice genome and breeding resistant varieties is the safest and most effective way to control the disease. To provide references for excavation and separation resistance sites, this paper reviews the pathogenic characteristics, pathogenesis, disease cycle and rice resistance to BPBR.


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