

  • 山东省林木种质资源中心, 济南 250102

收稿日期: 2018-01-11

  录用日期: 2018-08-01

  网络出版日期: 2019-07-31



Effect of Conservation Conditions on Restricting Conservation of Acer rubrum cv. ‘Somerset’

  • Shandong Forest Germplasm Resources Center, Jinan 250102, China

Received date: 2018-01-11

  Accepted date: 2018-08-01

  Online published: 2019-07-31


该文主要探讨了光照时间、光照强度、温度及昼夜温差等保存条件对卓越红花槭(Acer rubrum cv. ‘Somerset’)限制生长保存的影响。结果表明, 在为期182天的保存过程中, 离体材料前期以分化生长为主, 后期以营养生长为主, 并呈现一定的低温适应性。温度对离体材料生长的影响达极显著水平(P<0.01); 光照时间和光照强度影响持久, 二者交互作用达显著水平(P<0.05); 昼夜温差对平均出芽数和生根率都有显著影响。研究表明, 保存效果最好的条件是T3 (25°C, 12小时光照, 62.50 μmol·m -2·s -1)和T7 (25°C, 12小时光照, 31.25 μmol·m -2·s -1)处理组, 但最佳保存条件的选择标准并不唯一, 其核心是保证种质材料的分化能力。


咸洋,董昕,解孝满,吴丹,韩彪,王艳 . 光照和温度对红花槭限制生长保存的影响[J]. 植物学报, 2019 , 54(1) : 64 -71 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB18010


We examined the effect of conservation conditions on restricting the conservation of Acer rubrum L. cv. ‘Somerset’, including photoperiod, light intensity, temperature and diurnal temperature variation. In the 182-day conservation period, the in vitro materials were mainly for differentiation in the early period and vegetative growth in the later period, also gradually adapted to the low-temperature environment. The effect of temperature on the growth of in vitro materials reached extremely significant level (P<0.01); the effect of photoperiod and light intensity lasted for a long time, and their interaction reached significant level (P<0.05). Diurnal temperature variation had a significant effect on average number of shoots and rate of rooting. In all of the tests, 25°C, illumination 12 h, 62.50 μmol·m -2·s -1 and 25°C, illumination 12 h, 31.25 μmol·m -2·s -1 conditions were both able to restrict conservation. The selection criteria for the best conservation conditions was not unique, and the core was keeping the differentiation ability of the in vitro materials.


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