

  • 1湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙 410128
    2湖南农业大学理学院, 长沙 410128
    3湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院, 长沙 410128
† 共同第一作者。

收稿日期: 2017-05-16

  录用日期: 2017-12-26

  网络出版日期: 2018-09-11



The Effects of Different Phosphor Excitation-type LED Lighting on the Growth and Development of Arabidopsis

  • 1College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
    2College of Science, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
    3College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
† These authors contributed equally to this paper

Received date: 2017-05-16

  Accepted date: 2017-12-26

  Online published: 2018-09-11


在室内人工光源照射条件下, 探究150 μmol∙m-2·s-1光强下不同比例的红蓝光对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)生长发育的影响。以哥伦比亚(Columbia-0)野生型拟南芥为研究对象, 采用荧光粉激发型LED作为植物生长光源, 以SrSiAlN3为红色基底, 调节荧光粉添加量获得不同红蓝光谱, 考察不同光照条件下拟南芥萌发率、根长、株高、叶绿素含量和相对电导率等参数的变化规律。结果表明, 在荧光粉激发型LED光照调节下的拟南芥具有更高的萌发率、根长、株高、叶绿素含量和相对电导率, 且在红蓝光质比为2:1时萌发率(95.63%)和叶绿素含量(26.7)最高; 在红蓝光质比为4:5时根长(4.19 cm)较长; 在红蓝光质比为4:1时株高(15.5 cm)较高; 在红蓝光质比为4:5时相对电导率(40.5 S·m-1)较大。研究结果表明相对平衡的光质(红蓝光质比为4:1)有利于拟南芥生长发育, 且减少蓝光比例对根系生长及叶绿素积累有一定的促进作用。研究表明不同光谱对模式植物拟南芥的生长发育有较明显的影响, 改变光谱组成可以对植物的生长发育起不同程度的调控作用。


周智, 张永丽, 王变变, 盖淑杰, 王若仲, 卢向阳, 李瑞莲 . 荧光粉激发型LED光对拟南芥生长发育的影响[J]. 植物学报, 2018 , 53(4) : 502 -508 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB17097


To investigate the effects of different red and blue bands on the growth and development of Arabidopsis, we used the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia-0 to observe the relation between light quality and plant growth. The phosphor excitation-type LED lighting affords an adjustable light spectrum by adjusting the amount of the nitride-based phosphor SrSiAlN3:Eu2+. The germination rate, root length, variation in plant height, chlorophyll content, conductivity and other parameters of the model plant under different light spectra were studied. The germination rate could reach 95.63% and the content of chlorophyll by SPAD meter was up to 26.7 with a red to blue band ratio of 2:1. Root length was much longer and could even reach 4.19 cm under a ratio of 4:5. The height showed the highest value of 15.5 cm with a red to blue band ratio of 4:1, and conductivity was as high as 40.5 S·m-1 with a ratio of 4:5. Maintaining the relative balance of red and blue light can have a positive effect on growth of Arabidopsis, and decreasing the ratio of blue light will benefit the growth of roots and accumulation of chlorophyll. Different light spectra have a great influence on the growth and deve- lopment of the model plant Arabidopsis, and the spectral adjustments can be one of the most important environmental factors for plant research.


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