收稿日期: 2017-06-14
录用日期: 2017-10-19
网络出版日期: 2018-08-10
Effect of Blue Light on Photosynthetic Performance and Accumulation of Sugar and Organic Acids in Greenhouse Nectarine
Received date: 2017-06-14
Accepted date: 2017-10-19
Online published: 2018-08-10
以设施曙光油桃(Prunus persica cv. ‘Shuguang’)为试材, 设置补充蓝光处理, 测定了生育期内5个关键时期叶片的光合性能相关参数及果实的糖酸组分, 并观察了叶片气孔的变化情况。结果表明: 补充蓝光后油桃叶片的净光合速率提高, 叶绿素a和b含量增加, 叶绿素a/b显著降低, 叶面积增大; 气孔开放提前并较早达到最大开度, 且关闭延迟。叶片中检测到的主要同化物为果糖、葡萄糖和山梨醇, 以山梨醇为主; 果实中则为果糖、葡萄糖、山梨醇和蔗糖, 成熟期以蔗糖为主。补充蓝光处理的叶片中3种同化物积累较少, 而果实中总糖和蔗糖含量较高, 表明蓝光处理提高了光合同化物从叶片到果实的转运转化能力。草酸是叶片和果实中主要的有机酸, 补充蓝光处理的果实中有机酸含量显著降低, 糖酸与对照相比提高了30.5%。硬核期后是蓝光处理提高果实糖酸比的关键时期, 此时补充蓝光可改善设施油桃光合性能及果实品质, 这一技术措施有望应用到设施果树的栽培中。
赵雪惠, 肖伟, 郭建敏, 高东升, 付喜玲, 李冬梅 . 补充蓝光对设施栽培油桃光合性能及糖酸积累的影响[J]. 植物学报, 2018 , 53(2) : 227 -237 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB17136
With the nectarine variety Shuguang as test material and blue light set artificially, the photosynthetic performance and the accumulation of sugar and acid in leaves and fruits were examined, and diurnal changes of the stomata in five key growth periods were observed. Blue light increased the net photosynthetic rate and the contents of chlorophyll a and b. The ratio of chlorophyll a/b was decreased and the leaf area increased. The opening time of the stomata was advanced, and maximum opening was earlier and closing time hysteretic. Fructose, glucose and sorbitol were the main assimilates in leaves, with the highest content being sorbitol. Fructose, glucose, sorbitol and sucrose were the main assimilates in fruit, and sucrose was the main soluble sugar at fruit maturity. As compared with the control, blue light conferred lower content of the three assimilates in leaves, whereas the content of total sugar and sucrose in fruit was higher, which suggests that blue light enhanced the ability to transfer photosynthetic products from leaves to fruit. Oxalic acid was the main organic acid in both leaves and fruits. The content of organic acid under blue light in leaves was decreased, and the sugar to acid ratio was significantly increased, by 30.5%. The key period of peaches improving the sugar to acid ratio under blue light was the late hard nucleus period. Supplementing blue light could be a technical measure to improve photosynthetic performance and fruit quality and could be further applied in the cultivation of greenhouse fruit trees.
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