

  • 1广州中医药大学中药学院, 广州 510006;
    2广州中医药大学, 中药资源科学教育部(省部共建)重点实验室, 广州 510006
    3东莞市东糖集团有限公司, 东莞 523243;
    4阳春市砂仁试验示范场, 阳春 529600
    5广州白云山明兴制药有限公司, 广州 510250;
    6华南农业大学生命科学学院, 广州 510642

收稿日期: 2013-09-24

  修回日期: 2014-01-26

  网络出版日期: 2014-06-03



Floweret Configuration Characters of the Medicinal Plant Amomun villosum

  • 1College of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China

    2Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Resources of Ministry of Education, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China;

    3Dongguan Dongtang Group Company Limited, Dongguan 523243, China

    4Yangchun Field Test and Demonstration of Amomum villosum, Yangchun 529600, China

    5Guangzhou Baiyunshan Mingxing Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Guangzhou 510250, China

    6College of Life Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China

Received date: 2013-09-24

  Revised date: 2014-01-26

  Online published: 2014-06-03


通过解剖阳春砂(Amomum villosum)小花, 以体视镜观察并测量长果、圆果和仲华3个阳春砂栽培类型小花的形态指标。结果表明, 仲华的假合蕊柱与唇瓣间的纵向距离最小, 但3个栽培类型之间的横向距离差异不显著。假合蕊柱与唇瓣的距离大小主要由假合蕊柱的挺直程度决定, 角度γ值是栽培类型的特征参数。仲华的花粉囊最长, 长果次之, 圆果最小; 而3个栽培类型间的花粉囊宽度差异不显著; 花粉囊长度的差异是栽培类型的另一个特征。仲华柱头的开口面积与长果和圆果差异不显著; 但长果柱头的开口面积比圆果大。3个栽培类型柱头的开口均高于花粉囊顶端; 圆果柱头的开口与花粉囊顶端的距离(Dsp)显著大于长果和仲华, 而长果与仲华的Dsp差异不显著。该研究建立了阳春砂花器形态的研究方法, 比较了3个栽培类型小花的形态特征, 为寻找适宜的传粉途径和提高产量奠定了基础。


何国振, 高伟, 苏景, 李锦坤, 汤丽云 . 药用植物阳春砂花器形态特征[J]. 植物学报, 2014 , 49(3) : 313 -321 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2014.00313


Flower configuration is related to the species of pollinators. The special configuration of the Amomun villosum floweret may limit the number of pollinator species. To understand the floweret configuration of A. villosum, we developed a new method for finding the proper pollination route and increasing yield. Here we report the method and results for the configuration characters of three A. villosum cultivars: Changguo, Yuanguo and Zhonghua. The longitudinal (LDgl) and transverse (TDgl) distances between the gynandrium-like and labellum were measured by stereomicroscopy. The floweret was anatomized before evaluating distances. The labellum of a blossoming floweret was cut along the thickest and colored zone, which resulted in a plane composed of the edges of gynandrium-like and cutting surface. The plane was placed upright to the lens of the stereomicroscope for imaging. The distances were evaluated on the image by use of Qcapture Pro 6.0.0412. The TDgl of Zhonghua was shortest, with no difference in LDgl among the 3 cultivars. The angle between the filament and labellum or anther was named α or β. We created a model of gynandrium-like stance by evaluating angles of α and β. The level of LDgl or TDgl depends on the standing extent of gynandrium-like. The value (γ) of sum of α and β is a cultivar characteristic parameter of A. villosum. We measured the longest length (Lan) and widest width (Wan) of pollen sac. Lan ranged from long to short in the order of Zhonghua, Changguo and Yuanguo, with no difference in Wan,. The difference in Lan is another cultivar characteristic of A. villosum. The stigma is cup-shaped and the size of the mouth was measured. The mouth area was larger for Changguo than Yuanguo, with no difference between Zhonghua and Changguo or Yuanguo. The distance between the tops of stigma and anthers (Dsp) was measured. Stigma mouth sizes were higher than anther tops. The Dsp was lower for Yuanguo than Changguo and Zhonghua, with no difference between Changguo and Zhonghua.


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