苔藓植物因具有独特的形态和生理特征, 对空气污染反应十分敏感, 已被广泛用于监测城市或地区的环境质量与变化。通过分析连续2年采自青岛市崂山区的苔藓植物体内重金属含量, 并与崂山土壤重金属含量相比较, 探讨苔藓植物对大气重金属污染物的积累和指示作用。结果表明, 苔藓植物体内重金属含量能够反映空气重金属污染程度和空气质量变化。在崂山广泛分布的毛尖紫萼藓(Grimmia pilifera)对空气中重金属Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd都有着很强的富集能力, 是一种很好的重金属污染指示植物。长叶鳞叶藓(Taxiphyllum taxirameum)、大灰藓(Hypnum plumaeforme)和深绿绢藓(Entodon luridus)在崂山分布较多, 对重金属的积累能力也较强, 可用来监测青岛大气重金属污染。该研究为评价青岛市空气重金属污染状况提供了一个有效的生物监测方法。
Bryophytes (mosses) are sensitive to air pollution because of their unique morphological and physiological characteristics. They are widely used to monitor environmental quality and changes in suburbs and urban areas. We evaluated the capacity of bryophytes to absorb and accumulate heavy metals by analysis of heavy-metal content in mosses and soil at Mt. Lao, Qingdao. Grimmia pilifera is a good biomonitor because of its wide distribution and good capacity to absorb and retain heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd. Taxiphyllum taxirameum, Hypnum plumaeforme and Entodon luridus, widely distributed in Qingdao, also have high capacity to absorb and accumulate heavy metals. We established a valuable method to monitor atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in Qingdao using the moss biomonitor technique.