

  • 中国农业大学生物学院植物生理学与生物化学国家重点实验室, 北京 100193
? 共同第一作者

收稿日期: 2015-10-23

  录用日期: 2015-11-17

  网络出版日期: 2016-05-24

Chinese Scientists Made Breakthrough in Study on Ethylene Signaling Transduction in Plants

  • State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
? These authors contributed equally to this paper

Received date: 2015-10-23

  Accepted date: 2015-11-17

  Online published: 2016-05-24


乙烯是一种气态植物激素, 在植物生长发育的各个阶段发挥着非常重要的作用。最近, 中国科学家在乙烯信号转导的分子机制研究中取得了突破性进展。

关键词: 乙烯; EIN2; EBF1/2; mRNA翻译; P-body


施怡婷, 杨淑华 . 中国科学家在乙烯信号转导领域取得突破性进展[J]. 植物学报, 2016 , 51(3) : 287 -289 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB15191


Ethylene gas is one of the most important phytohormones that are involved in the regulation of diverse growth and development processes in plants. Recently, Chinese scientists have made breakthrough toward the understanding of the molecular mechanism of ethylene signaling transduction.


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