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[an error occurred while processing this directive]Identification of Genes Differentially Expressed in Seeds of Brassica napus Planted in Nanjing and Lhasa by Arabidopsis Microarray
Received date: 2008-08-26
Revised date: 2008-10-20
Online published: 2009-03-01
分别在南京(海拔8.9 m)和拉萨(海拔3 658 m)2个不同海拔地区种植甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)高油品系H105, 该材料含油量在两地分别为(46.04±1.42)%和(53.09±1.35)%。利用拟南芥表达谱基因芯片检测两地种植的H105开花后30天种子基因的表达。以种植在南京的H105为对照, 差异表达分析结果显示有421个差异表达的基因, 其中229个基因表达下调, 192个基因表达上调。这些基因按功能可初步分为代谢相关、运输相关、结合相关、转录相关、结构相关、发育相关、信号转导相关、其它相关及功能未知基因等几大类别。一些与光合成、糖代谢以及脂肪酸合成相关的重要基因, 如叶绿素a-b结合蛋白基因家族、蔗糖合酶、丙酮酸激酶、6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶、ATP-柠檬酸裂解酶、柠檬酸合酶、异柠檬酸脱氢酶、脂肪酸去饱和酶(FAD6和FAD7)基因等被鉴定为差异表达。研究结果初步揭示了相关基因的表达变化规律, 为探讨油菜在不同海拔地区含油量差异的分子遗传机理提供了重要信息。
付三雄;戚存扣* . 不同海拔地区(南京和拉萨)种植的甘蓝型油菜的种子基因差异表达[J]. 植物学报, 2009 , 44(02) : 178 -184 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2009.02.005
Two Arabidopsis microarrays were used to analyze the differential expression of genes during seed development of a high-oil content Brassica napus cultivar, H105, planted in Nanjing (altitude: 8.9 m) and Lhasa (altitude: 3 658 m). The oil contents of H105 were (46.04±1.42)% in Nanjing and (53.09±1.35)% in Lhasa. We isolated the seeds 30 days after flowering at periods
preceding and including the major accumulation of storage oil. Transcript levels of 421 genes were altered two-fold or higher for H105 planted in Lhasa than in Nanjing. Of these, 192 showed up-regulated expression and 229 down-regulated expression. These differentially expressed genes were involved in different processes and had different functions, including metabolism, transportation, binding, transcription, structure, development, and signal transduction. Some key genes with differential expression, such as chlorophyll a-b binding protein, sucrose synthase, pyruvate kinase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, ATP-citrate lyase, citrate synthase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, FAD6 and FAD7, relate to photosynthesis, sugar metabolism and fatty acid synthesis. These results reveal the expression profile of correlated genes in B. napus planted in two areas, and combined with results from others, suggest that the improvement of photosynthesis and sugar metabolism perhaps can increase lipid biosynthesis.
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