An Improved Clearing and De-waxing Method for Plant Paraffin Sectioning
Received date: 2008-05-26
Revised date: 2008-10-05
Online published: 2009-03-01
石蜡切片是植物科学研究领域中一项重要的实验技术, 为组织学的发展做出了卓越贡献。制片过程中采用不同试剂和处理程序对切片质量有较大的影响。该文针对常规石蜡切片方法在操作步骤上存在的繁琐及试剂安全性等问题, 摸索出改进方法。实验结果表明, 采用histolene(C1O H16)、环保透明剂van-clear、正丁醇(n-butanol)和松节油(oil of turpentine)代替 二甲苯(xylene), 可避免二甲苯的毒性危害; 同时精简了传统石蜡切片的操作程序, 缩短了实验周期并提高了制片质量。
杨虎彪;李晓霞;罗丽娟* . 植物石蜡制片中透明和脱蜡技术的改良[J]. 植物学报, 2009 , 44(02) : 230 -235 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2009.02.013
Paraffin sectioning plays an important role in plant science research. It is used widely in histology to observe and explain microstructure and provides a credible method for development of plant histology. This study aimed to investigate the limitations in traditional paraffin sectioning, such as the complex and time-consuming traditional protocol for improved measure. Xylene, a kind of neurotoxicant, is often used as a dewaxing and clearing chemical in the materials-preparation process. We substituted histolene (C1OH16), van-clear, oil of turpentine and n-butanol for xylene, to avoid a toxic effect. We improved the method to simplify the process of paraffin sectioning, shorten the cycle of the experiment and obtain quality slides.
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