以3个起源和分布中心的不同葡萄种及其杂交种作为实验材料, 观察了开花、果实和种子成熟的物候, 研究了成熟种子的基本特性和最初萌发率以及冷层积对成熟种子萌发的影响。结果表明, 葡萄种子具有休眠特性, 生理成熟时都具有分化完全的胚, 在休眠解除过程中胚的形态不发生变化; 美洲种休眠最深, 欧亚种休眠最浅, 其它种类的葡萄种子的休眠程度介于美洲种和欧亚种之间; 不同种葡萄花期、果实和种子成熟过程的物候存在差异, 果实成熟与种子成熟不同步, 其间隔时间越短, 种子休眠程度越深。冷层积60天能有效地解除东亚种、欧亚种、欧山杂种和蘡欧杂种的种子休眠, 但对解除美洲种、美洲种种间杂种和欧美杂种的种子休眠效果较差。
Seeds of different varieties representing different species of the Vitis genus from three origins and distribution centers and their hybrids were used as experimental materials. The phenophases of blossom, berry and seed development; basic characteristics and initial germination of mature seeds; and the effect of cold stratification on germination of mature seeds were investigated. Seeds of all grape species and varieties had dormant characteristics. The embryos of grape seeds at maturation were entirely differentiated and did not change in size and morphological appearance during dormancy-release. Seeds of the American species were deeply dormant, and those of the Europe-Asia species were not deeply dormant. The dormancy degrees of other species and hybrid species were between those of the American and Europe-Asia species. The phenophases of blossom, berry and seed maturation differed among species and their hybrids. Seeds matured after berries, and the short interval between seed and berry maturation was related to the deep dormancy of seeds. Cold stratification for 60 days could significantly release the seed dormancy of the East-Asia species, Europe-Asia species, and hybrids of Europe-Asia and East-Asia species and East-Asia and Europe-Asia species, and could partially release the seed dormancy of the hybrids within American species and hybrids of Europe- Asia and American species, but almost had no effect on American species.
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