

  • 南京林业大学林木遗传与生物技术省部共建教育部重点实验室, 南京 210037

收稿日期: 2008-09-18

  修回日期: 2009-04-21

  网络出版日期: 2010-01-01

A Case Study of Gamete Selection and Male Reproduction Fitness in Liriodendron

  • Key Laboratory of Genetics and Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China

Received date: 2008-09-18

  Revised date: 2009-04-21

  Online published: 2010-01-01


在多父本等量花粉混合授粉的交配实验设计基础上, 利用SSR分子标记对其子代进行父本分析, 研究鹅掌楸的配子选择与雄性繁殖适合度。参试亲本为鹅掌楸2个种的5个单株(鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)2株, 即FY和LS; 北美鹅掌楸(L. tulipifera)3株, 即LYS、MSL和NK)。结果表明: 鹅掌楸的配子选择个体间差异较大。作为母本, NK和LYS倾向于选择异种雄配子, 而MSL和LS则倾向于选择同种雄配子; 在同种雄配子的选择中, NK、LYS和LS倾向于自交, 而MSL则倾向于异交。以北美鹅掌楸为母本时, 北美鹅掌楸与鹅掌楸的雄性繁殖贡献率分别为45.5%和54.5%, 北美鹅掌楸的雄性繁殖适合度为鹅掌楸的0.556倍。以鹅掌楸为母本时, 二者的繁殖贡献率分别为15.6%和84.4%, 北美鹅掌楸的雄性繁殖适合度为鹅掌楸的0.123倍。总体上看, 鹅掌楸的雄性繁殖适合度高于北美鹅掌楸, 鹅掌楸与北美鹅掌楸均表现为自交亲和。


冯源恒;李火根*;张红莲 . 鹅掌楸配子选择与雄性繁殖适合度[J]. 植物学报, 2010 , 45(01) : 52 -58 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.01.007


We explored gamete selection and male reproduction fitness in Liriodendron by paternity analysis of polymix pollination progenies with simple sequence repeat molecular markers. We obtained test parents of 5 trees from 2 species, Liriodendron chinense (FY and LS) and L. tulipifera (LYS, MSL and NK). An equal quantity of pollen obtained from the 5 tested trees was mixed together before pollination and pollinated back to each respective parent. The gamete selection pattern varied among individuals of Liriodendron. As females, NK and LYS were inclined to mate with pollen from different species (interspecies mating), but MSL and LS were more likely to mate with pollen from the same species (intraspecies mating). Within intraspecies mating, NK, LYS and LS leaned to selfing, whereas MSL preferred outcrossing. With L. tulipifera as the female, the ratio of male reproduction contribution of L. tulipifera and L. chinense was 45.5% and 54.5%, respectively; thus, the male reproduction fitness of L. tulipifera to L. chinense was 0.556. With L. chinense as the female, the ratio of male reproduction contribution of L. tulipifera and L. chinense was 15.6% and 84.4%, respectively, the male reproduction fitness of L. tulipifera to L. chinense was 0.123. As a whole, the male reproduction fitness of L. chinense was higher than that of L. tulipifera. Both L. chinense and L. tulipifera were shown to be self-compatible.

