通过实地取样、标本查阅和文献研究获得131个锁阳(Cynomorium songaricum)采样点数据, 并运用ArcGIS技术平台, 从气候、土壤、地形数据库中提取了各采样点的生态因子, 得出锁阳适宜生态因子范围。以此为据, 利用中药材产地适宜性分析系统(TCMGIS)对锁阳在中国的产地适宜性进行多因子的空间分析。结果表明, 锁阳适生区域主要位于西北干旱地区, 包括内蒙古、新疆、宁夏、甘肃、青海等省(区)。研究结果对我国西北地区防沙固沙、荒漠生态保护和恢复具有重要的社会效应和生态价值。
We investigated the ecological factors and regional distribution in China of the desert Herba Cynomorii, used for many health indications, by field survey, use of reference specimens, literature investigation, and the Traditional Chinese
Medicine Geographic Information System (TCMGIS). The optimal ecological factors for the herb are annual precipitation 100.01–217.68 mm; mean temperature in January –12.32– –8.61°C; mean temperature in July 16.17–23.90°C; annual sunshine 2 869.10–3 206.46 h; relative humidity 37.76%–50.89%; and soil type mainly mobile grassland aeolian sandy soil, brown calcium soil, and light brown calcium soil. The appropriate district (similarity ≥ 90%) for the herb is in the northwest drought area of 438 719.29 km2, with 90 counties and cities in total and the largest area being Inner Mongolia, of 192 538.52 km2. Appropriate areas with similarity 80%–90% is 638 495.90 km2 with 120 counties and cities in total, among which Xinjiang is the largest area, of 475 399.71 km2. This distribution is consistent with results of the third national survey of the TCMGIS and indicates potential new suitable growing areas for Herba Cynomorii.