穆丹1, 岂泽华1, 李沁1,2, 梁可欣1, 华绍贵1, 朱星雨1, 焦梦婕1, 饶玉春2,*(), 孙廷哲1,*()
Enhanced Attraction of Mymarids (Stethynium empoascae) by Volatiles from Tea Flowers
Dan Mu1, Zehua Qi1, Qin Li1,2, Kexin Liang1, Shaogui Hua1, Xingyu Zhu1, Mengjie Jiao1, Yuchun Rao2,*(), Tingzhe Sun1,*()

图6. Y形管嗅觉仪检测17种茶树花挥发物与液体石蜡引诱缨小蜂的差异
图上方为挥发物编号(编号同表4)。* P<0.05; ** P<0.01

Figure 6. Y-tube olfactometer bioassay to determine the differences between 17 major volatiles from tea flowers and liquid paraffin in attracting mymarids
The volatile numbers are shown on top panel (the number is the same as Table 4). * P<0.05; ** P<0.01