Effects of the Respiratory Electron Transport Pathways in Relieving Photoinhibition of Chloroplast PSII in Tobacco Leaves
Jiao Luo,Yuting Li,Zishan Zhang(),Xingkai Che,Ying Liang,Yuenan Li,Ying Li,Shijie Zhao,Huiyuan Gao

图1. 水(CK)以及2 μmol∙L-1抗霉素A (AA)处理对远红光关闭后烟草叶片P700+弛豫曲线的影响

Figure 1. The effect of water (CK) or 2 μmol∙L-1 antimycin A (AA) treatment on the P700+ relaxation curve after far-red light in tobacco leaves
All data are the average of 8 replicates.