A Comprehensive Overview of the Studies on the Gene Function in Pteridophytes

  • Fengpan Wang ,
  • Zhaoxuan Zhong ,
  • Lijun Chen ,
  • Jiangping Shu ,
  • Yuehong Yan
  • 1Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration for Orchid Conservation and Utilization, The Orchid Conservation and Research Center of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518114, China
    2College of Life Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin150030, China

Received date: 2023-07-08

  Accepted date: 2023-12-19

  Online published: 2024-01-12


Pteridophytes (lycophytes and ferns) are the second most diverse lineage of vascular plants on the earth. These plants share several morphological and physiological traits with other vascular and sporophyte plants, and play a vital role in the evolutionary progression of land plants from simple to complex forms. Pteridophytes exhibit many unique biological processes different from other plant groups, and play a key role in the study of plant genome evolution, organ development, reproductive phenomena, and adaptation to changing environment. The advancement and implementation of modern sequencing technology has greatly accelerated the sequencing and assembly of plant genomes, and greatly promoted the exploration gene function of pteridophytes. To gain an enhanced comprehension of the present interesting fields and noteworthy development in functional genomics research of pteridophytes, this article provides a thorough overview of the functional investigation of pteridophyte genes from various perspectives. It mainly focuses on the development of organs, reproductive processes, adaptability to the environment, and the synthesis of secondary metabolites. It presents a systematic exploration of the functions of multiple genes, highlighting the practical implementation of gene function research in clarifying the unique biological processes specific to pteridophytes. In addition, this article puts forward several recommendations on how to expedite the research on gene function of pteridophytes, and to take advantage of function studies in exploring the biological characteristics of terrestrial plants and expanding the application scope of pteridophytes.

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Fengpan Wang , Zhaoxuan Zhong , Lijun Chen , Jiangping Shu , Yuehong Yan . A Comprehensive Overview of the Studies on the Gene Function in Pteridophytes[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024 , 59(3) : 495 -514 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB23090


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