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Scattering and Backscattering Properties of Main Fresh Water Alga Species

  • 1Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Ministry of Education, College of Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China;

    2Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China

Received date: 2013-06-14

  Revised date: 2013-11-04

  Online published: 2014-07-02


Scattering and backscattering properties were measured for 4 main fresh water alga species cultured in the laboratory: Microcystis aeruginosa, Chlorella vulgaris, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Cryptomonas ovata. Chlorophyll a-specific scattering and backscattering were used to represent scattering ability. M. aeruginosa had the strongest scattering and backscattering ability, followed by C. meneghiniana, and C. vulgaris had the weakest. M. aeruginosa and C. meneghiniana showed greater backscattering ability than C. vulgaris and C. ovata. The main factor affecting backscattering was the ratio of chlorophyll a to phycocyanin content. Backscattering coefficient varied with chlorophyll a content and chlorophyll a proportion to total pigment. We found a good correlation between cell size and backscattering coefficient.

Cite this article

Heng Lü, Yu Wang, Xiaojun Li, Hongzhou Pan, Jie Zhang, Hongliang Dai . Scattering and Backscattering Properties of Main Fresh Water Alga Species[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2014 , 49(5) : 578 -586 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2014.00578

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