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[an error occurred while processing this directive]# Co-first authors
Received date: 2015-09-11
Accepted date: 2016-05-09
Online published: 2016-12-02
Seed physical dormancy is a special type of dormancy caused by an impermeable seed coat or pericarp. It is an adaptation to environmental changes that plants acquire during long-term phylogenesis. This article introduces the concept and definition of physical dormancy and summarizes the morphological structure of physically dormant seed, which includes a water-impermeable layer of seed coat, water-gap complex and the embryo. It also summarizes the release of seed physically dormant and the mechanisms involved in the formation of openings in the seed coat. It describes the phylogenetic relationships of physically dormant seed. It also put forword the probable research point on seed physically dormant in the future.
Tingting Xue, Yongbao Shen, Jia Liu, Fenghou Shi . Advances in Research of Seed Physical Dormancy[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2016 , 51(6) : 863 -871 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB15161
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