Rice is one of the most important cereal crops. The introduction of dwarf rice has led to the first “green revolution”. However, the genetic uniformity of dwarf gene in rice breeding is a concern, which severely affects the continuous increase in rice harvest. In the present study, we mutated the indica cultivar M804 by using 60Coγ-Ray and obtained a genetically stable rice dwarf mutant (MU101), which was crossed with a japonica cultivar Taigeng 16 to investigate the genetic mode and map the gene. Genetic analysis revealed the phenotype of the dwarf mutant, which we designated tentatively as ds1, controlled by a pair of recessive genes. Polymorphic analysis of simple sequence repeat markers demonstrated the DS1 gene located on chromosome 5. With a larger mapping population and more Indel markers, we further mapped the DS1 gene between 2 Indel markers with a physical region of about 384 kb. These results provide a basis for molecular cloning and production application of DS1.
Dewei Yang, Meijuan Zeng, Libin Lu, Ning Ye, Chengde Liu, Xianghua Zheng, Xinfu Ye
. Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Rice Dwarf Mutant ds1[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2011
, 46(6)
: 617
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00617
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