收稿日期: 2022-09-28
录用日期: 2022-12-13
网络出版日期: 2023-01-16
OsCKX9 is Involved in Regulating the Rice Lamina Joint Development and Leaf Angle
Received date: 2022-09-28
Accepted date: 2022-12-13
Online published: 2023-01-16
叶片直立是决定作物株型、光合效率和产量的重要农艺性状之一。细胞分裂素(CTK)是调控农作物株型、抗逆和产量的重要激素, 但其在水稻(Oryza sativa)叶片直立生长中的作用仍不清晰。该文报道了水稻细胞分裂素氧化酶/脱氢酶9 (OsCKX9)影响叶枕发育并正调控叶夹角。组织学切片显示, osckx9突变体叶夹角的变化是由于叶枕近轴端和远轴端细胞的不对称分裂所致。qRT-PCR检测表明, OsCKX9在叶枕中的表达量较高。激素处理表明, OsCKX9能被tZ、iP、cZ、6-BA和eBL等诱导表达。激素测定显示, osckx9突变体的叶枕处积累了大量的CTK, 且其对eBL的敏感度显著低于野生型。综上, OsCKX9正调控水稻叶夹角, 该研究为解析水稻叶夹角的遗传基础和培育理想株型提供了基因资源。
朱宝 , 赵江哲 , 张可伟 , 黄鹏 . 水稻细胞分裂素氧化酶9参与调控水稻叶夹角发育[J]. 植物学报, 2024 , 59(1) : 10 -21 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22226
The erection of rice leaf is one of the important agronomic traits that determine plant architecture, photosynthetic efficiency, and crop yield. Cytokinin is one of the most important plant hormones that regulate crop morphology, stress resistance and yield, but its role in the lamina joint development and leaf angle is still need to be further studied. Here, we report that rice CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE9 (OsCKX9) controls lamina joint development and positively regulates leaf angle. Histological sections indicated that the leaf inclination changes in the WT and osckx9 resulted from the asymmetric proliferation of cells and vascular bundles in lamina joint. qRT-PCR showed that OsCKX9 was highly expressed in lamina joint. Quantification of cytokinin content in osckx9 mutant lamina joint showed that there were a mass of cytokinin accumulated. Moreover, the osckx9 showed insensitive to eBL. Therefore, our results revealed that OsCKX9 played a positive role in regulating leaf erectness, which provides genetic resources for analyzing the genetic basis of leaf angle and molecular-breeding of the ideal plant architecture rice.
Key words: rice; leaf angle; cytokinin; OsCKX9
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