

  • 1湖南农业大学, 植物激素与生长发育湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410128
    2湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院, 长沙 410128

收稿日期: 2021-09-14

  录用日期: 2022-02-07

  网络出版日期: 2022-02-07



Recognition, Immune Activation and Signal Regulation of Plant NLR Immune Receptor

  • 1Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Phytohormones and Growth Development, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
    2College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China

Received date: 2021-09-14

  Accepted date: 2022-02-07

  Online published: 2022-02-07


高等植物进化出大量膜表面和胞内免疫受体以感知各种病原信号, 抵御病原物入侵。其中, 细胞表面的模式识别受体感知模式分子后激活基础免疫反应, 核苷酸结合和富亮氨酸重复蛋白(NLRs)则通过感知病原微生物分泌的效应蛋白激活特异免疫反应, 导致超敏反应与细胞死亡。该文主要综述了NLRs对效应蛋白的识别、植物免疫激活及下游信号调控的最新研究进展。


覃磊, 彭志红, 夏石头 . 植物NLR免疫受体的识别、免疫激活与信号调控[J]. 植物学报, 2022 , 57(1) : 12 -23 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB21159


A large area of membrane surface and intracellular immune receptors have been evolved in higher plants to sense various pathogen signals and prevent pathogen invasion. Among them, pattern recognition receptors on the cell surface activate basic immune response after sensing pattern molecules, while nucleotide-bounding leucine-rich repeat proteins (NLRs) activate specific immune response by sensing effector proteins secreted by pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in hypersensitivity and cell death. In this review, the latest research progress of plant immunity is mainly reviewed from the aspects of NLRs on the recognition of effector proteins, plant immune activation and downstream signal regulation.


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