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[an error occurred while processing this directive]茉莉酸及其前体12-氧-植物二烯酸的HPLC-MS/MS检测方法
收稿日期: 2016-07-27
录用日期: 2016-12-05
网络出版日期: 2017-07-10
Simultaneous Determination of Jasmonic Acid and 12-Oxo- Phytodienoic Acid in Different Plant Materials by HPLC-MS/MS
Received date: 2016-07-27
Accepted date: 2016-12-05
Online published: 2017-07-10
茉莉酸是植物体内重要的伤反应特异激素, 含量极低, 但作用较大。当植物受到机械伤害时, 茉莉酸调控一系列应激反应。12-氧-植物二烯酸(OPDA)是茉莉酸合成途径中的重要前体, 与茉莉酸有密切的关系。该研究建立了一种HPLC-MS/MS分析检测方法, 可同时检测植物材料中茉莉酸及其前体OPDA含量。利用该方法建立的标准曲线具有良好的线性相关性, 相关系数达0.991 9-0.999 5, 回收率范围为91.91%-101.56%。该方法同时具有较好的检测灵敏度, 2种化合物的最低检测限为3.218和34.129 pmol。研究结果说明该方法切实可靠且具有较好的适用性。利用该方法检测了4种不同植物样品中目标化合物的含量, 结果表明该方法能够用于不同植物材料中这2种活性化合物含量的检测分析。
关键词: 茉莉酸; 12-氧-植物二烯酸; HPLC-MS/MS
张双玉, 齐芪, 李晓慧, 盖颖, 蒋湘宁 . 茉莉酸及其前体12-氧-植物二烯酸的HPLC-MS/MS检测方法[J]. 植物学报, 2017 , 52(5) : 631 -636 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16156
Jasmonic acid is one of the important phytohormones responding to abiotic and biotic injury. Detecting the acid is difficult because of the low content in plant material. 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid is an important precursor in the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid. In this research, we established an HPLC-MS/MS method to determine the content of these two target chemicals simultaneously in 4 types of plant materials. An external standard curve was used to calculate the content in plant material. The regression coefficiency factor of the standard curve reached 0.991 9 to 0.999 5. Spiked recovery was from 91.91% to 101.56%. The method is sensitive and available; The limits of detection of two target chemicals were 3.218 and 34.129 pmol. This method was used to determinate the contents of these two target chemicals in 4 types of plant materials.
Key words: jasmonic acid; 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid; HPLC-MS/MS
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