以东乡野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)耐冷渐渗系IL5335、IL5243及其双亲为试材, 克隆到75条存在高度异质性的Ty1-copia类逆转座子逆转录酶序列, 经聚类分析将这些逆转录酶序列分为7个家族; 家族6和7含有65条逆转录酶序列, 序列间的相似性为44.9%–99.3%; 家族1–5仅含10条逆转录酶序列, 其中8条来源于耐冷渐渗系, 它们与亲本的序列相似性为29.2%–52.8%, 分析发现这些序列曾发生缺失或插入突变。实时荧光定量PCR检测结果显示, IL5335和IL5243中的houba、osr15及osr17逆转录酶的表达量均远高于受体亲本(表达量增加1.50–5.07倍), 表明渐渗杂交诱发改变了IL5335和IL5243中逆转录酶序列的结构及其表达活性。该结果为今后水稻表观遗传学研究及外源优异基因利用奠定了基础。
We used the cold-tolerance introgression lines IL5335 and IL5243 from Oryza sativa cv. ‘Xieqingzao B’ crossed with Dongxiang wild rice (O. rufipogon) and their parents to examine our cloned 75 highly heterogeneous sequences of Ty1-copia retrotransposon reverse transcriptase (RT). Cluster and alignment analyses revealed 7 families for these RT sequences: 65 RT sequences were in families 6 and 7, with similarity from 44.9% to 99.3%. Families 1–5 contained only 10 RT sequences; 8 came from introgression lines. As compared with their parents, in introgression lines, the similarity of RT sequences ranged from 29.2% to 52.8%, and some RT sequences showed deletion or insertion mutation. Real-time quantitative PCR revealed that the expression of houba, osr15 and osr17 RT sequences in IL5335 and IL5243 was 1.50 to 5.07 times higher than in the parents. Thus, the structure and expression of RT sequences in IL5335 and IL5243 changed during introgressive hybridization. These results provide useful information for further investigation of epigenetic phenomenon induced by alien gene introgression.
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