采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术建立了延胡索(Corydalis yanhusuo)块茎形成过程中代谢产物的代谢组学研究方法。考察了不同体积提取液和衍生化试剂MSTFA对峰的信号强度和个数的影响, 优化了实验条件, 确定每100 mg材料用300 μL提取液与100 μL衍生化试剂MSTFA时, 效果最佳。对延胡索块茎样品进行测定, 结果共得到92种化合物, 分别为: 5种脂肪酸、21种有机酸、16种氨基酸、6种糖类、23种其它成分和21种未知化合物; 并且利用主成分分析(PCA)数据处理方法对延胡索块茎代谢产物进行了模式识别研究。结果表明: 该实验方法稳定、可靠, 且在主成分分析模式下其识别结果有明显的分类, 因此可为延胡索块茎的进一步研究提供有效数据, 并为相关研究提供参考。
We established the metabolomics method for investigating metabolites in Corydalis yanhusuo bulbs by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We also investigated the effect of different volumes of extracts and derived reagents (MSTFA) for peak signal intensity and numbers. We determined the best conditions with each 100 mg material extracted by use of 300 μL extract and 100 μL MSTFA. To detect samples of C. yanhusuo tuber, we obtained 92 kinds of compounds, which contained 5 fatty acids, 21 organic acids, 16 amino acids, 6 sugars, 23 other ingredients, and 21 unknown compounds. We also studied the pattern recognition of C. yanhusuo tuber metabolites by principal component analysis. We could provide valid data and reference values for further research into C. yanhusuo tubers.
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