株高是典型的数量性状, 易受遗传背景的干扰和环境因素的影响, 利用单片段代换系(single segment substitution lines, SSSLs)能减少遗传背景的干扰。以85个单片段代换系为材料, 其受体亲本为籼稻广陆矮4号(Oryza sativa ssp. indica), 供体亲本为粳稻日本晴(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)。通过单因素方差分析和Dunnett’s多重比较, 分析单片段代换系与受体亲本之间株高的差异, 对代换片段上的株高QTL进行鉴定。以P≤0.001为阈值共检测到24个株高QTLs, 分别分布于除第10染色体外的其它11条染色体上, 其中3个QTLs的加性效应表现为减效作用, 另外21个株高QTLs的加性效应表现为增效作用。QTLs加性效应变化范围为–6.5–31.74, 加性效应百分率的变化范围为–8.81%–41.96%。该研究对进一步发掘和利用新的矮秆或半矮秆基因资源具有重要意义。
朱金燕, 嵇朝球, 周勇, 王军, 王中德, 杨杰, 范方军, 梁国华, 仲维功
. 利用染色体单片段代换系定位水稻株高QTL[J]. 植物学报, 2011
, 46(6)
: 632
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00632
Plant height is a typical quantitative trait and can easily be influenced by genetic background and environmental factors. Single-segment-substitution lines (SSSLs) can effectively reduce the interference of the genetic background. We developed a set of genome-wide SSSLs carrying Nipponbare introgression segments in a background of Guangluai 4. Quantitative trail loci (QTL) analysis involved one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s test for comparing SSSLs and the recurrent parent Guangluai 4 (P≤0.001). We detected 24 QTLs for plant height distributed on 11 rice chromosomes, except chromosome 10, of which 3 had a negative effect and the others a positive effect. The additive effect of these QTLs ranged from –6.5 to 31.74, with additive effect percentages –8.81% to 41.96%. These results provide useful information for exploring and using new dwarf or semi-dwarf resources.