收稿日期: 2018-01-12
录用日期: 2018-03-13
网络出版日期: 2019-07-31
国家科技支撑计划(2015BAD16B01-3);国家自然科学基金(31530057, No.31672210, No.31670183)
Advances in the Regulation on Autophagy by Reactive Oxygen Species in Plant Cells
Received date: 2018-01-12
Accepted date: 2018-03-13
Online published: 2019-07-31
马丹颖,季东超,徐勇,陈彤,田世平 . 活性氧调控植物细胞自噬的研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2019 , 54(1) : 81 -92 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB18012
Damaged proteins, organelles or exogenous substances are engulfed in double membrane vesicles and delivered to the lysosome (vacuoles) for degradation and recycled in eukaryotes. This highly conserved biological process is called autophagy. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are byproducts of cellular aerobic metabolism, which are widely involved in the regulating different biological processes as signaling molecules. Recent evidence suggests a strong link between autophagy and ROS in plants. Here, we summarize the types and roles of ROS and describe the molecular mechanism of autophagy according to the latest research in plants. The effect of ROS on regulation of autophagy is mainly discussed.
Key words: autophagy; reactive oxygen species; regulation
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