收稿日期: 2018-01-03
录用日期: 2018-03-29
网络出版日期: 2018-09-11
Research Progress in Off-target in CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing
Received date: 2018-01-03
Accepted date: 2018-03-29
Online published: 2018-09-11
近年来, CRISPR定点编辑技术发展迅猛, 在动物、植物和微生物中均得到广泛应用。其中, 备受关注的脱靶现象也是研究的热点, 迄今已取得了重要进展。该文介绍了脱靶现象的产生原理及体内和体外检测脱靶现象的方法, 评价了通过改进sgRNA设计和优化CRISPR系统等来降低脱靶率的方法。在植物基因组定点编辑过程中, 应适时检测脱靶现象, 提高脱靶检测的精确度和准确度。
关键词: CRISPR/Cas9; 定点编辑; 脱靶
王影, 李相敢, 邱丽娟 . CRISPR/Cas9基因组定点编辑中脱靶现象的研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2018 , 53(4) : 528 -541 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB18004
CRISPR/Cas9 technology has rapidly developed in recent years. It is widely used for study of animals, plants and microorganisms. Among all developments, the use of the technology for the off-target issue has progressed, with important breakthroughs for this hot topic. This paper elucidates the principle of off-target generation and the method for detecting off target both in vitro and in vivo. Also, how to reduce off-targets by improving single-guide RNA design and optimizing the CRISPR system is evaluated. Further more, detecting off-targets at the right time and improving the precision and accuracy of off-target detection are proposed for plant site-specific genome editing.
Key words: CRISPR/Cas9; site specific editing; off-target
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