以晋豆23栽培大豆(Glycine max)为母本、灰布支黑豆(ZDD2315, 半野生大豆)为父本衍生出447个RIL群体, 通过构建SSR遗传图谱及利用混合线性模型分析方法, 对2年大豆小区产量及主要植物学性状进行QTL定位, 并作加性效应、加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应分析。结果显示, 共检测到12个与小区产量、单株粒重、单株茎重、单株粒茎比、有效分枝、主茎节数、株高和结荚高度相关的QTL, 分别位于A1、A2、H_1、I、J_2和M连锁群上。其中小区产量、株高、单株粒重、有效分枝和主茎节数均表现为遗传正效应, 即增加其性状的等位基因来源于母本晋豆23。同时, 检测到11对影响小区产量、单株粒重、单株茎重、株高和结荚高度的加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应的QTL, 发现22个QTL与环境存在互作。实验结果表明, 上位效应和QE互作效应对大豆小区产量及主要农艺性状的遗传影响很大。进行大豆分子标记辅助育种时, 既要考虑效应起主要作用的QTL, 又要注重上位性QTL, 这样有利于性状的稳定表达和遗传。
梁慧珍, 余永亮, 杨红旗, 张海洋, 董薇, 崔暐文, 杜华, 刘学义, 方宣钧
. 大豆小区产量及其相关性状QTL间的上位性和环境互作效应[J]. 植物学报, 2014
, 49(3)
: 273
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2014.00273
In a 2-year experiment, we detected QTL for yield per plot and agronomic trait content by using the recombination inbred lines (RIL) population derived from a cross between Jindou 23 soybean as the female parent and semi-wild soybean parent (ZDD2315) 447. In all, 12 QTL with additive effects for yield per plot, grain weight per plant, stem weight per plant, grain weight/stem weight, branch number, nodes of the main stem, plant height, and pod height were mapped in the linkage groups A1, A2, H_1, I, J_2 and M. The 5 traits of yield per plot, plant height, grain weight per plant, branch number and nodes of the main stem were the positive effects donated by Jindou 23. We detected 11 QTL pairs with epistatic effects for pod height, plant height, grain weight per plant and stem weight per plant in the RIL, We found an interaction with the environment for 22 QTL. The epistatic effects and the environmental played an important role in the inheritance of yield per plot and agronomic traits in soybean. In terms of molecular marker-assisted breeding, in considering that QTL play a major role at the same time, epistatic QTL is conducive to the stable expression and genetic of traits.
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