通过对东北地区10种蒲公英瘦果形态及微形态特征进行观察比较, 为蒲公英属(Taraxacum F.H. Wigg.)分类研究提供瘦果形态学证据。利用体式数码光学解剖镜和电子探针显微镜, 对蒲公英瘦果进行观察比较, 并根据瘦果大小、形状、喙基比例、颜色及微形态表面纹饰特征进行聚类检索。结果表明, (1) 瘦果微形态特征为全身具刺, 具白色斑点, 刺状突起成行且规则排列, 但刺大小及密度存在显著差异; (2) 检索结果表明, 以蒲公英瘦果形态及微形态特征进行检索的结果与《中国植物志》中的分类结果一致。该实验通过对东北地区10种蒲公英瘦果形态及微形态特征进行描述, 确定了蒲公英瘦果形态特征差异可作为分类学表征证据, 并将喙基长度(B)与瘦果长度(A) (不包括喙基长)之比命名为喙基比(B/A), 该比值可增补为分类要点。研究结果支持《中国植物志》中对蒲公英属的分类结果。
We studied the morphological and micro-morphological characteristics of achenes of 10 species of Taraxacum from northeastern China to provide evidence for classification. The achenes were observed by microscopy and electron-probe microanalysis. Cluster analysis revealed the basis of the size, shape, cone proportion, color and surface sculpture of achenes. The surface of achenes is spinulose in regular rows with white spots, but the size and density of spinulose differ. The results of cluster analysis are consistent with descriptions in the Flora of China. The morphological and micro-morphological features of achenes are described. The differences in achene morphological characteristics can be regarded as taxonomic evidence. The characteristic of cone proportion (B/A: cone length/achene length without cone length) is described and supplemented as a main point of taxonomy.
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