南四湖是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一。为阐明南四湖湿地外来植物的现状及入侵规律, 为湿地生态系统的重建、生物多样性的保护和湿地资源开发等提供指导, 通过野外调查和参考有关文献资料, 对南四湖湿地外来植物进行了较为深入的研究, 并与青岛、昆嵛山、滨州沿海三地作了比较。结果表明, 南四湖湿地外来入侵植物有41种, 隶属19科35属; 以菊科和豆科为优势科; 外来入侵物种中热带来源与温带来源比例相当, 人为引入导致的外来入侵植物高达39%。南四湖与沿海三地相比, 沿海三地外来入侵植物的种类均比南四湖湿地多, 其中以经济最发达的青岛种类最多; 青岛外来入侵植物中有35种在南四湖湿地未发现; 南四湖湿地的特有外来入侵植物有5种, 体现出湿地外来入侵植物水生特性。群落相似性分析表明, Jaccard指数和Sorenson指数呈现的规律一致, 南四湖与滨州的相似性最高, 其次为昆嵛山, 与青岛的差异最大。通过分析南四湖湿地外来入侵植物种类和分布规律, 提出了相应的防治对策。
The Nansihu Lake wetland is one of the largest freshwater lake wetlands in China; its eco-environment plays an important role in flood storage, climatic regulation, water conservation and purification, and maintenance of biological
diversity. Evaluating the impact of alien invasive plants on biodiversity and the effect of exotic plant invasions on ecosystem processes by surveying all ranges of the Nansihu Lake wetland is vital. Literature search and field investigation were used to study alien invasive plants in Nansihu Lake wetland. A comparison of the species composition of alien invasive plants in Nansihu Lake wetland and in Qingdao, Mt. Kunyu and Binzhou coastal areas showed 41 species of alien invasive plants belonging to 19 families and 35 genera in the Nansihu Lake wetland. The largest families were Compositae and Leguminosae. The proportion of alien invasive species originating from the tropic zone was close to that from temperate regions. The proportion of alien invasive plants caused by intentional introduction was 39%. The number of alien invasive plants in Qingdao, Mt. Kunyu and Binzhou was greater than that in the Nansihu Lake wetland. The number of species in the most developed region Qingdao was the greatest. In total, 35 species found in Qingdao were not found in the Nansihu Lake wetland. Five alien invasive species were specific to the Nansihu Lake wetland and showed the aquatic plant characteristics of exotic invasive plants in the Nansihu Lake wetland. Similarity analysis revealed consistent Jaccard and Sorenson indexes, with the Nansihu Lake wetland most similar to Binzhou, then Kunyu areas and least similar to the Qingdao area. Combined with regulation analysis of alien invasive plants in Nansihu Lake wetland, corresponding countermeasures are suggested.
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