小檗科十大功劳属是典型的东亚-北美洲际间断分布属, 在北半球新生代地层中有丰富的叶化石记录, 叶结构特征特殊, 易与其他被子植物类群区分, 有潜力成为一个独特的生物代用指标或模式植物, 用于追踪东亚北美物种间断分布格局形成过程。传统分类依据叶结构特征将十大功劳属下分为掌状脉的东方组和羽状脉的西方组。这里, 我们在前人基础上依托详细的叶结构特征将该属进一步细分为东方组下的7个叶片类型(Microphylla类型、Japonica类型、Cardiophylla类型、Bodinieri类型、Polyodonta类型、Fortunei类型和Nervosa类型)和西方组下的6个叶片类型(Chochoco类型、Dictyota类型、Volcania类型、Pumila类型、Lanceolata类型和Aquifolium类型)。新建的十大功劳属叶结构分型体系将有极大潜力服务于该属化石叶的分型及追踪其叶形态演化和洲际间断分布式样的形成研究。
Yu-Fei Wang
. 十大功劳属(小檗科)的叶结构分型新体系[J]. 植物学报, 0
: 1
DOI: 10.11983/CBB24149
The genus Mahonia of the Berberidaceae family exemplifies a typical East Asia-western North America (EA/WNA) disjunction taxon, characterized by an extensive record of leaf fossils in Cenozoic strata across the Northern Hemisphere. The leaf architecture of Mahonia is distinctive and readily distinguishable from those of other angiosperm groups, positioning it as a potential unique biological proxy or model plant for investigating the formation processes underlying the intercontinental discontinuity between East Asia and North America. Traditionally, taxonomists have divided the genus into Group Orientales with palmate venation and Group Occidentales with pinnate venation based on venation. Here, we build upon previous research to further refine this classification by identifying 7 leaf types within Group Orientales (Microphylla type, Japonica type, Cardiophylla type, Bodinieri type, Polyodonta type, Fortunei type, and Nervosa type) and 6 leaf types in Group Occidentales (Chochoco type, Dictyota type, Volcania type, Pumila type, Lanceolata type, and Aquifolium type) based on detailed leaf structure. The newly established leaf structure classification system holds significant promise for future endeavors in classifying and identifying fossil leaves of the genus Mahonia. Additionally, it will facilitate studies concerning its morphological evolution and biogeographic history.
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